Monday, November 5, 2012

Long Time, No See

Alright, so it's been forever since I've blogged. Maybe it's because I haven't been very fashion savvy lately, and haven't wanted to let you see how horrid my wardrobe is? Or maybe I've been so overwhelmed with school and work? Nope. None of those. I'm really just a slacker, and haven't even thought about blogging. But now I have something very exciting to write about. I have met the perfect man. Literally perfect. I haven't found a single flaw in him yet. Could it be because I haven't known him long? It's possible, but I'd rather just say that he is perfect. Let me just give you a run down on how everything went down.. Wednesday, halloween, I went to a dance at school. I was really excited to go, and decided very last minute (about three hours before the dance) So I threw together an outfit, and called up some friends. Unfortunately, only one of my friends ended up coming. A boy who likes me, but I have absolutely no feelings for him. So of course, everyone thought he was my boyfriend.. Way awkward. But there was one boy who was very brave, and came and talked to me anyway. He made it very casual, asking what my costume was supposed to be (Obviously I was a pirate. It was unmistakable.) After bumping into each other a few times throughout the dance, and he eventually asked for my number. He texted me after the dance, and we started getting to know each other. Well, something clicked, because we have spent everyday together since then. And I am falling hard for this kid. Luckily for me, he is so perfect, that he is waiting there to catch me. He is already spoiling me, and being the sweetest boy possible. Tomorrow, we are going on a date to the big city! Can't wait to see how things go with him, but so far, it looks like this could be a long lasting thing :)

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